Quiz: Does your pet need a behaviour consultation?
Are you concerned about your dog’s behaviour and wondering if you should seek help from a clinical animal behaviourist?
Answer the following questions to evaluate the severity and frequency of any potential issues.
Please note that this is not a diagnostic tool; the goal is to inform and raise awareness about potential medical concerns that your pet may have. Please visit your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet’s health or behaviour.
- How often does the problematic behaviour occur?
a) rarely (once a month or less)
b) occasionally (a few times a month)
c) frequently (several times a week)
d) constantly (daily)
- How severe is the behavioural problem when it occurs?
a) mild (minor inconvenience)
b) moderate (disruptive, but manageable)
c) severe (significant disruption and concern)
d) extremely severe (dangerous or harmful)
3. How many specific causes or situations provoke this behaviour?
a) One or two specific causes
b) Several causes
c) Many situations and causes
d) It seems to happen in every situation.
- Have you tried any training or behavioural modification techniques to address this issue?
a) Yes, but with little or no improvement.
b) Yes, with some improvement, but the problem still persists.
c) No, I haven’t tried any specific techniques yet.
d) Yes, and it has been successful in resolving the issue.
- Has the behavioural problem resulted in any injuries, damage or legal issues?
a) There have been no injuries, damage or legal problems.
b) There have been minor injuries or damage, but no legal issues.
c) There have been serious injuries or damage, with potential legal concerns.
d) There have been legal issues and severe consequences.
- Is the behaviour causing significant stress or anxiety for you or your family members?
a) The situation is not particularly stressful.
b) The situation is somewhat stressful.
c) The situation is very stressful.
d) The situation is extremely stressful.
- Has the behavioural problem persisted for over six months?
a) It has persisted for less than six months.
b) It has persisted for between six months and a year.
c) It has persisted for over a year.
d) The problem has been ongoing for a long time.
Now, assign a score to each of your answers:
A- 1 point
B- 2 points
C- 3 points
D- 4 points
Calculate your total score by adding up the points for each question.
7 – 14 points: The issue may be manageable with basic training.
15 – 21 points: Consider seeking advice from a professional dog trainer.
22 – 28 points: Consult with a clinical animal behaviourist to address the issue.
29 – 35 points: Consultation with a clinical animal behaviourist is strongly recommended due to the severity and complexity of the problem.
Please remember that this quiz is intended as a general guideline, and it’s always advisable to consult with a qualified professional for personalized advice and assistance.
Find out more about behaviour consultation in these posts
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