Part IV- Dealing with Pet Behaviour Challenges

Crucial elements that influence behaviour problems

In this final part of our series on defining and diagnosing behavioural problems, we will delve into various aspects of a pet’s life that can significantly influence the expression of behavioural issues. These elements play a crucial role in determining how we can effectively manage these problems.

Let’s explore each of these factors in detail. Click on each of the section to learn how that factor can influence behaviour:

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of a pet’s life, just as it is for humans. It is during sleep that a pet’s body and mind undergo essential processes that contribute to their overall health and behaviour. It is crucial for physical restoration, mental rejuvenation, and emotional balance.

We all know that exercise plays a vital role in our and our pet’s overall well-being. The type and amount of activity you do with your pet can affect their behaviour and temperament. Exercise provides physical health, mental stimulation and allows to reduce stress and build social bonds. The key aspect is to give options of a variety of exercises and moderate the ones that increase arousal.


For example, a cat playing with the laser can cause a lot of frustration and stress. Or a dog only playing fetch can cause a lot of stress.

The type of games your dog engages in and the frequency they are played matter. Be cautious about games that promote excessive arousal without control, as they can exacerbate behavioural problems. Choose games that stimulate your pet’s mind and provide mental enrichment: tug of war, sniffing games, puzzle games and so on. They also help to build resilience, confidence and independence.

The bond between you and your pet is a cornerstone of their behaviour. This relationship forms the basis for trust, security and a sense of belonging in the pet’s world. To encourage a good bond, it is important to have consistent routines, use positive reinforcement when teaching, spend quality time together and understand each other.

Your emotions about the situation you are facing with your pet are significant and valid. Dealing with a pet’s behavioural issues can be a source of stress and emotional exhaustion, taking a toll on your well-being. It is essential to also make sure you look after yourself to be in the best position to help your pet.

Past experiences, both positive and negative, can shape a pet’s behaviour. Reflect on any past traumas or significant events that might affect your pet’s current behaviour.

Adequate socialisation during a pet’s formative stages is crucial. Inadequate socialisation can lead to behavioural issues. Most of the time, you may not have had any influence over this aspect, but it is something to consider when assessing behaviour problems because it can mean how difficult or easy it is to change a behaviour.

A pet’s past training experiences play a crucial role in shaping their behaviour and responses to various situations today. The methods, consistency, and quality of training can significantly impact a dog’s temperament and obedience.

Pets, like humans, need opportunities to relax and decompress. Ensure your dog has a comfortable and safe space where they can unwind or focus on an activity you both enjoy, for example cuddles, or trick training.

 Medical problems can have a profound impact on a pet’s behaviour. Pain, discomfort or underlying health issues can lead to changes in behaviour that may be mistaken for behavioural problems. It is essential to rule out medical causes before addressing behavioural issues.

Gaining insight into your dog’s communication signals is essential. Learning to read your dog’s body language and cues can help you reduce conflicts, promote adequate socialisation and build trust.


By thoroughly assessing these aspects of your pet’s life, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing their behaviour. Remember, managing behavioural problems requires a holistic approach that considers all these elements. If you are facing challenges, you can reach out to us, and we will give you a tailored guidance and solutions.

Reading Recommendations

Dog Behaviour:

  • Doggie Language: A Dog Lover’s Guide to Understanding Your Best Friend
  • On Talking Terms With Dogs – Calming Signals, 2nd Edition
  • Culture Clash – Jean Donaldson

Cat behaviour:

  • Kitty Language: An Illustrated Guide to Understanding Your Cat – Lili Chin
  • The Trainable Cat: A Practical Guide to Making Life Happier for You and Your Cat
  • Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy
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