Our General Perspective

Of course our pets aren’t people in disguise. They’re dogs and cats. We all know that. But all of us at the London Vet Clinic know how irrational we are with our own pets, how difficult it is for us to think of them as anything other than honorary members of our families. We want them to be comfortable. We want them to be healthy and we want them to be happy. (Why we behave that way is another story.)

At the London Vet Clinic, our aim is to provide your pet with the type of care we want for our own dogs and cats. We hope they enjoy visiting us or at the very least don’t worry about visiting. That’s why we have special areas for fretful dogs or frightened cats. We intervene as little as possible and when needed, keep your pets with us for as short a time as possible. Bruce, Stephen, Jo, Natalia and Adam are all experienced generalists but we all understand when it’s good to add more specialised experience to both diagnostics and treatments.  That’s why we are supported within the clinic by wonderful, skilled second opinion vets. (Visit ‘Our Second Opinion Vets’ for more information on the men and women you may meet here.

Between all of us we can diagnose and treat most problems here at York Street but sometimes more expertise can be useful. In veterinary medicine this is called Tertiary Care. There are several tertiary care facilities we can refer you to. Many are corporate owned with rigid protocols. Our preferred referral hospital is The Ralph, off the M40 near Marlow.